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Welcome to Oslo City Hall, one of the most iconic buildings in Norway. Designed in the functionalist style by architects Arnstein Arneberg and Magnus Poulsson, this building has been a prominent feature of the city's skyline since its completion in 1950.

Oslo City Hall is not only a striking piece of architecture but also holds great historical significance. It is the venue for the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony held annually on December 10th, the anniversary of Alfred Nobel's death. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to individuals or organizations who have made significant contributions to promoting peace and resolving conflicts. This tradition has been ongoing since 1901 and has brought international attention to Oslo as a city of peace and diplomacy.

The interior of Oslo City Hall is just as impressive as its exterior. The building is adorned with beautiful murals and artwork that depict various aspects of Norwegian history and culture. The most famous of these is the grand fresco in the main hall, created by artist Henrik SΓΈrensen, which showcases scenes from Norwegian mythology and folklore.

Aside from its historical and cultural significance, Oslo City Hall is also a functioning government building. It houses the city council and various administrative offices, making it an important hub for local governance and decision-making.

As you stand here admiring the grandeur of Oslo City Hall, take a moment to appreciate not just its architectural beauty but also its rich history and the important role it plays in the fabric of Norwegian society.

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