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Botanical Gardens (Botanisk Hage og Museum)

Botanical Gardens (Botanisk Hage og Museum)

Oslo, Norway

🎧 Language: English

🙋🏻 Style: Local Tour Guide

Welcome to the Botanical Gardens in Oslo, Norway! This horticultural oasis, established in 1814, spans 45 acres and is home to over 7,500 plant species from all over the world. The gardens are maintained by the University of Oslo and serve as both a research facility and a peaceful retreat for visitors.

One of the highlights of the Botanical Gardens is the Victoria House, a greenhouse built in 1868 to house the giant water lily, Victoria amazonica. This impressive plant can support the weight of a small child and its leaves can grow up to 3 meters in diameter. Another notable feature is the Rock Garden, showcasing alpine plants from mountainous regions around the globe. It's a great place to see unique species that thrive in harsh climates.

The Botanical Gardens also play an important role in conservation efforts, with a dedicated Seed Vault that stores over 40,000 seed samples from around 3,000 plant species. This serves as a crucial resource for preserving plant biodiversity and protecting species from extinction.

In addition to its scientific significance, the Botanical Gardens are a popular destination for locals and tourists alike. The peaceful atmosphere and beautiful surroundings make it a perfect spot for a leisurely stroll or a relaxing picnic. Throughout the year, the gardens host various events and exhibitions, including plant sales and guided tours.

Whether you're a plant enthusiast, a nature lover, or just looking for a tranquil escape in the heart of Oslo, the Botanical Gardens offer a unique and enriching experience for all visitors. So come and explore this green gem in the Norwegian capital!

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